Everything you need to know about transitioning to a new POS System

You’ve had your current POS system for a while and it no longer provides the features and benefits that your business requires to operate efficiently. You know you need to make a change, but you’re not quite sure how to do it. With over 25 year’s experience in the industry, this is a common roadblock we see all the time. To make things easy we’ve created a simple process to ease your doubts, and help answer any questions you may have about making a switch.

POSitec’s POS transition process

1. Meet your project manager
A project manager will be assigned to oversee the transition and support you in every way possible. The project manager will work closely with you and your store’s main contact person to ensure deliverables and timelines are met through a custom transition plan for your business.

2. Integration
Your project manager will then assist with merchant services and wholesaler integration as well as integration of your National banner programs.

3. Data Build
Next, your project manager will provide a Handheld Data Collective device for the data build process. They will also assist with implementing ordering and receiving procedures for your store.

4. Training and Documentation
Finally, your project manager will provide comprehensive How-To documentation on roles and responsibilities for your reference. They will also provide online and/or teleconference training as required to support with the transition. Expect weekly follow up calls from your project manager to check in on your progress and concerns.

Here are some commonly asked questions and answers for the POS transitioning process.

What are some of the benefits to transitioning to a new POS system?

1. A better experience for customers 
Valued customers can be rewarded for shopping at your store. With a charge-on-account ability with POS, customers are able to charge to their account right from their till purchase. Create a positive, quick purchasing experience with integrated debit/credit.

2. Efficient Vendor communication
With an inventory management system there are reduced errors and return to stock products. Better management of vendor purchase orders. With select wholesalers, stores are able to communicate their orders electronically.

3. Save time. Save money.
Your employees will appreciate the ease of ordering and receiving of product. Integration with National hubs to provide promos and pricing reduces time spent manually completing these tasks. Software that is user friendly and easy to learn.

What if I require further support after the transition?

Knowing there is someone at the end of the phone line or email who can answer your questions goes a long way in providing peace of mind with a point of sale system. Customer service support individuals who have retail industry knowledge and hands-on experience at store level is important when choosing a POS system. 

Will your POS vendor provide training to ensure that your staff are comfortable with the system? Are you and your staff able to access training videos and reference materials when it is convenient for you? Investigate what support vendors offer and align with one that will back their solutions and yours with excellent 24/7 customer support.

Will this POS system integrate with my Pharmacy, Wholesale or Merchant Services systems?

Integration is KEY to the success of your POS system. Having the ability to order and receive seamlessly from your Wholesaler, download promotional programs from your National hub and process your customers quickly and easily at the till are three of the top reasons to have a POS system. Many vendors will tell you they are fully integrated but upon further investigation you may discover that manual work may be required on your or your employee’s part.

What about set up?

When choosing a POS system, ensure it’s easy to set up and simple to use. You should be able to manage the setup process yourself and training employees should take minutes, not hours. A POS system should be intuitive, easy to learn and a pleasure to use. From the start you and your staff should not be overwhelmed. Always ask for references and look for testimonials. If the system is as good as it’s professed to be, customers will have no problem singing its praises.

Still have questions? Contact us today!